Monday, August 16, 2010


So, it's Monday. I guess another week is starting. At least it's supposed to be cooler this week!!

Not much to say. But I am going to vent for a moment. So, I did some grocery shopping at Wal-Mart last night instead of Kroger (long story about why, but Kroger wasn't in the cards this week). Anyway, I DO NOT like the Wal-Mart on Red Bank Rd. Not only did I have to dodge rude shoppers and not find the selection that Kroger has, but then I had to wait in line for about 20 minutes. Why they think that only having 5 of the 60-some odd lanes open is acceptable, I'll never understand. Damn them for being so cheap with some stuff!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Long time!

So, it has been a little while since I've updated anything. Lets see:

Had a great birthday weekend. Had dinner with my hubby - haven't done that for a while!! Saw Toy Story 3 with my Mom and Sis - really enjoyed the movie - and then had dinner with them. Had dinner with my Mom-in-Law, hubby, kids, Mom and Sis - great time!

Took my first 2 excursions out by myself with the boys. Went to the Museum Center and then the zoo. We all survived!!

Andrew is crawling!!

Matthew does not want Andrew playing with any of "his"toys.

Looking forward to Fireworks night with Tim and my Sis this Friday.